Amy Isler Gibson

I am a Cleveland born, Oregon based artist, with a constant hunger for painting, sculpture, and the great dialogue of art history. But for me materials = everything; am always reaching for new tools, skills, and a bigger toolbox. Conceptually-based work, often solo, but love collaborations too. Graduated with a BFA from Oregon State University in December, 2019, and have begun an MFA in Visual Studies at Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, OR as of June, 2020. My career spans teaching in philosophy (OSU), community and private practice mental health (to which I will return in Fall, 2020; this demanding historical moment calls me to return to a therapy practice, this time with art and a fresh set of ideas to help us all shift our identities, assumptions, goals, including my own.). I have built, owned, run and worked in galleries, arts organizations, curated and juried many exhibitions. Have shown in around Oregon; New York; LA; Sienna, Italy and Vancouver, B.C. I never, ever run out of ideas or the desire to learn, laugh, work to listen hard and see closely (never easy), and am a sincere-to-the-point-of-corny cheerleader for art, artists and any decent human being. To allow myself one bit of editorializing: artists — the world needs us now more than ever. Right this minute. Do not give in to the temptation to underestimate your value as a human being or as a creator, critic, and commenter upon the world in which you find yourself. It is all hands on deck, in whatever way that speaks to you.