Ed Delegato

My name is Ed Delegato. I have been a package designer for over 40 years. During that time I have also been a painter and sculptor. I have done very few shows, but I am very happy with my current work and want to share it with the public. My art explores the concept that the world is not what is presented to our senses, but is actually an undercurrent of vibration expressed as form and form is information. When I paint, two types of form are expressed: structural circles, triangles, squares and organic shapes and strokes (ovals, marks and textures) The structural forms are the base (like rice in Japanese cooking), it holds and allows the more expressive forms to be displayed (like the sauces in Japanese cooking). One of my intellectual approaches centers around the cube flip. While M.C. Escher’s prints are a decorative approach to the flip, mine ties to Quantum Mechanics current theories about multiple realities.

Does the cube actually flip or is it only in our minds?

updated 06/2019