Emily Ho

I work with a multitude of mediums including wood burning, graphite, acrylic, digital, photography, color pencil, and mixed mediums (ex: origami paper and color pencils). The “Tavole ParoLibere” piece is based upon Bruno Munari’s book Design as Art and is a representation of his words. Wood burning is a new medium I have become interested in. I created a wood burning design of mountains and a river based on a Chinese painting and included the Chinese characters, 平安 (Píng’ān), which means peace or safety. I was inspired by the bentwood box of the Pacific Northwest Coast Indigenous peoples and wanted to etch my own design onto the wood. The piece is meant to tie in with my Chinese Heritage. My art doesn’t have a specific style to it, but I do like replicating images through drawings and creating original designs too, using Illustrator or other mediums.


Updated 11/2022