Leah Faure

My subject is embraced by pattern. There is an emphasis on the whole picture and equality with the gaze. This reflects a side of my personality. I enjoy looking at the big picture and finding surprises. It is funny that this is echoed in painting. That painting can translate a concept like ‘the way the artist sees the world’ without consciousness. There is a delicateness to making art, a dance not to awake the conscious, to hold things lightly, like falling in love.

Perspective and its patterns particularly inspire me.The patterns comes from the strong shadows in the summer, the reaching of tree branches or the plain wall broken up a window or molding or from the kaleidoscope form of the perspective itself. Painting in oil. Sketching out the subject, but then refining the line. The process moves between the steps of painting the background up to the line, glazing (transparent) color, scumbling in highlights with a milky consistency paint and then touching up with opaque color. Layering in this way, gives the painting a depth and lively organic quality. Living and painting in Portland for almost twenty years brought a love for architecture, bridges, neighborhoods and flowering trees.


updated 07/2019