Shannon Tracy

I am naturally a curious person and interested in observing my surroundings. My artistic exploration as of late is an extension of my curiosity in place and in nature. I am interested and attentive to how I see, how I feel, and how places as well as nature influence me.

I am intrigued by light, color, shape, texture and little moments in nature we don’t always see. My process often involves documentation, however, I also rely on memory, feeling, chance and intuition to create and reveal my vivid impressions.

Painting with acrylic allows me to openly explore these impressions and to allow chance to happen by letting the paint flow freely. I have also explored mixed media such as by using netting as well as fabric in my work to build on a sense on place.

My artistic vision helps me to slow down, to question, to reflect and to explore the ever changing qualities in myself as well as nature and place and to question the relationship between myself, as a human, in nature.

updated 05/2020